Monday, April 15, 2013

Quitting  Smoking Cigarettes with Snus

Even though it is a controversial believe in smokeless tobacco as a harmless habit. Practically it is better in many aspects than using cigarettes. The side effects of smokeless tobacco occur in peoples of all ages like young and old.

 There are different methods available to help quitting smoking as we know.
Using smokeless tobacco seems to be the most effective way which helps to quit smoking cigarettes quicker than other processes, according to many users. It is not easy to stop smoking at ones, so I think it is better to take other middle steps like using smokeless tobacco to achieve the goal of quitting smoking. We of course, want to live a healthier life, and need to stop using tobacco products entirely.

What is Smokeless Tobacco?

The two main types of smokeless tobacco include snuff and chewing tobacco.  Snuff is finely ground tobacco packaged in dry or moist form into porous tea bag or pouches. The user places pouch with a pinch in between the cheek and gum. Chewing tobacco is used as loose leaf, plug, or in twist forms, that the user just put inside the cheek. Sometimes the split arises afterwards as a result of chewing.
Relationship between Smokeless Tobacco and cigarette
According to recent statistics about 85.8% of past month smokeless tobacco users smoked even cigarettes at some time in their lives; 38.8% used cigarettes in the past month.
31.8% of the users of both smokeless tobacco and cigarettes in their lifetime began using smokeless tobacco first; among them 65.5% used cigarettes first and 2.7% initiated the use of both products at the same time.
Percentage of Cigarette Users among Smokeless Tobacco Users,
Source: SAMHSA, 2002 to 2007 NSDUH.

Health fears of Smokeless Tobacco?

According to latest studies:
Both chewing tobacco and snuff contain 28 carcinogens (cancer-causing agents).
Smokeless tobacco causes the risk for cancer of the oral cavity including cancer of the cheeks, gums, lip, tongue, and the floor and roof of the mouth.
Other effects which may arise; such as oral leukoplakia or white mouth lesions that may be cancerous, gum disease, and gum recession; that is means the gum pulls away from the teeth.
May increase the risks for heart disease, diabetes, and reproductive problems.
All tobacco use causes disease and addiction because of nicotine content in it, and should be avoided. The nicotine amount absorbed from smokeless tobacco is 3-4 times greater than that delivered by a cigarette, and absorbed more slowly from smokeless tobacco and stays in the bloodstream longer.
Furthermore, the smokeless tobacco users who try to quit, may experience the symptoms, including craving, irritability and depressed mood.

How to Quit

Among the effective smoking cessation treatments pharmacotherapies such as nicotine replacement therapy; using nicotine gum, patches or lozenges, buproprion SR (Zyban), Varenicline (Chantix). The other methods like individual and group counseling, which proved being useful for people trying to quit smokeless tobacco.
The Health and Human Services everywhere has established different helps to assist users of tobacco seeking information and assistance in quitting.  Switching into smokeless tobacco from smoking cigarettes also is also an effective method to quit smoking.

 An average of 400,000 Americans switch from cigarettes to smokeless tobacco products each year, many in an effort to quit smoking. However, almost 90% of daily smokers who initiated smokeless tobacco use as a means to quit smoking were still smoking daily months later. It means 10% succeeded to quit smoking.
So it is also a way that helps to quit smoking. Even though it is a controversial believe in smokeless tobacco as a harmless habit. Practically it is better in many aspects than using cigarettes. The side effects of smokeless tobacco occur in peoples of all ages like young and old.

 There are different methods available to help quitting smoking as we know. Using smokeless tobacco seems to be the most effective way which helps to quit smoking cigarettes quicker than other processes, according to many users.
General Strong Snus

Lucky Strike Portion Snus

 It is not easy to stop smoking at ones, so I think it is better to take other middle steps like using smokeless tobacco to achieve the goal of quitting smoking. We of course, want to live a healthier life, and need to stop using tobacco products entirely.

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